What are the “Waste Technologies”?
The “Waste Technologies” are the waste treatment processes, which have been developed and are still being devised to implement the “circular economy” wherever possible. These technologies also span the techniques which include mass-burn incineration which extract energy from waste as a last resort, when all useful materials are removed before this method of destruction is used.
So, the Waste Technologies are all those waste pre-treatment processes and systems being used to divert waste, so that it will not be sent to landfill:-
- Some, like mass-burn incineration, are well-established technologies
- Many others are new to the municipal waste sector
- Some are “near market” technologies (and still in R&D programmes)
- Some are largely untried, and some have been tried and have failed in some way, such that they have little popularity at present such as autoclave technology.
Examples of the key newcomers to waste technologies are:-
1. Advanced Aerobic and Anaerobic Biological Treatment
2. Mechanical and Biological Treatment / Pre-treatment
Advanced Refuse Derived Fuel (SRF) and innovative processes when applied to residual waste streams, including such Energy from Waste systems as Pyrolysis / Gasification
Other Advanced Thermal Treatment such as Autoclaving
Why are the EU nation(s) at this time, and many other nations which aspire also to achieve or do better than EU goals in waste management, spending so much effort, money, and resources to introduce these Waste Technologies?
The driving factors for many nations are:-
- The EU Landfill Directive, and Waste Regulations which provide firm targets for reducing the waste sent to landfill
- National policy for waste reduction, recycling and diversion from landfill, such as the UK “Waste Not Want Not Waste Implementation Programme” of the early 2000's
- The focus on the diversion of Biological Municipal Waste (BMW) from landfill (also from the EU Directives)
The avoidance of incineration where incineration is unpopular
The move toward improved sustainability in society's use of energy and finite materials resources
Public opinion which in many countries wishes to see the production of “zero waste”
There are many risks to the financial viability of many of these processes such as planning, contractual, regulatory, financial and operational risks to all those owning, building, and operating these forms of the process plant.
Most are operated nowadays either under direct government-subsidized contracts as DBOT (Design, Build, Operate and Transfer back into public ownership) projects or on the basis of risk-sharing between the government and private industry within PPP and PFA Contracts.
What Does This Mean to the Average Person?
As taxpayers you are increasingly paying in your rates for the Waste Treatment Technologies and Processes described on this website, which are being used in your area to dispose of your waste.
You may read in your local press about new proposals to build waste treatment facilities of the sort described in this website.
Who Will Find This Website Useful?
Anyone interested in waste management and waste technologies such as:
- Citizens who have such waste facilities in the locality
- Citizens who wish to enquire further about waste treatment technologies planned for their areas
- Waste management professionals as a reference point for their understanding of these technologies
- Students of waste management and waste treatment methods
- Those who wish to apply for jobs in the sector, or are considering whether the sector will provide them with an interesting career with the opportunity to grow and develop with the industry
Are There Good Careers Available in Waste Technology?
Yes! We would encourage anyone to consider work in this area which is expanding and in which there are many opportunities for personal growth and career development. See our waste management jobs page.
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